Do you wonder, why some brands have a complete hold on their customer base? For instance, customers who prefer to buy Gloria Jean’s coffee never appear in the Coffee Club line and the same is true with Apple users. These brands have successfully nailed customer loyalty with the secret sauce of using excellent product packaging. You can develop the same loyal base for your brand that will help you to survive the ups & downs of the market so you could thrive in the future.
Let’s explore further how excellent product packaging helps to set the upward trajectory of customer loyalty.
You need to choose the product packaging that creates a difference when placed on the retail shelf. Brands use rigid boxes with multiple add-on options to show the high quality of their product because of premium packaging. Mintal Study shows that customers are most likely to choose products in high-quality packaging. Quality packaging is not only important to protect the product but also helps to preserve the strong brand image in the customers’ minds.
Communication is the key to connecting with your customers and presenting your brand identity in a stellar way. For online identity, you can rely on different platforms but in the market, it’s only product packaging that hits the mark for you. However, don’t forget to produce packaging that resonates with the needs, and desires of the customers and includes all the data extracted from demography.
You can add your business card or new launched product sample to the packaging boxes which is a cost-effective way to promote your business. Some brands such as Haus deliver a newsletter in the packaging boxes to their customers. The content not only helps to educate the customers but also deepens the customers’ connection with them.
As a start-up business, it will be feasible for you to add handwritten fully personalised notes to your customers. It will provide them a strong cue in their mind to remember your brand because the personalised notes are a great gesture to show your customer, your brand cares about them.
Loyalty in customers develops with the level of trust. When your customers use your product and attain the same result as your promise from the elevated unboxing experience to the performance of the product, they return to your brand again when they need the same product. So they arrive in the retail store and look at the packaging that plays a brand ambassador role for you in the market.
Custom packaging boxes set the upward trajectory of your customer loyalty to reduce their cognitive effort to choose a quality product. Customers just need to see the quality of your product packaging while making a decision about your product. Meanwhile, you can also use customer demography to provide the most personalised experience on the basis of customers’ interest by adding custom notes or promotional material in the packaging boxes.