CMYK is a popular colour model that is normally used for custom packaging printing needs around the globe. You might have heard about CMYK but maybe do not have any idea what is CMYK and why is it used for packaging printing needs.
Basically, CMYK represents four colours i.e., Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & key (black). Now the question is, why is it used for packaging printing needs. So, to answer this question, we have compiled this blog post where you will get an idea why is it used for print perfection and accuracy. Read on!
CMYK in custom packaging printing means using the combination of 4 colours on different types of custom packaging boxes. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Key (Black) are used to create different colour shades for perfect printing needs.
Might be you wondering, what the “K” for key in CMYK is? K actually represents black colour. It is the key or important colour because it determines the real printing outcome. Black colour provides shade hue and depth, while other 3 colours are normally used to make different colours on the spectrum.
RGB has a very broad colour spectrum as compared to CMYK colours. Packaging printers use CMYK colour models and cannot print RGB colours perfectly. This is one of the important reasons why you should give preference to CMYK as compared to RGB.
When printing quality is the focus, CMYK is one of the best options to go for. RGB colour scheme makes it difficult to maintain the proper colour scheme when printing. For example, for offset printing, it is must to use CMYK colour scheme for printing accuracy.
To maintain printing accuracy and perfection, it is easier to use CMYK due to narrow spectrum. When you use RGB, even the one-minute variations can create issues in the output. Also, when you want to print on white surface, CMYK would help you a lot.
Also, if you want to design for printing that uses the black colour, CMYK would be one of the best options to go for. if you take the four colours of CMYK at 100%, they will form true black colour. Also, impurities in the inks may appear colours to be faded so it is good to use CMYK colour strategy.
For better result accuracy and perfection, it is good to use CMYK in this ratio:
So, the above-mentioned are few of the important reasons why CMYK are most frequently used as compared to RGB. Also, you can convert your RGB colour schemes into CMYK to make your print accurate and perfect.
You can easily convert RGB into CMYK by using editing software. So, be sure to check editing software before converting RGB into CMYK.
CMYK is the most common used print colour pattern for custom packaging printing. Now you get detailed idea about CMYK and why is it used as compared to RGB colour model. We hope you get all the required information from this blog post. If you still have any queries in your mind regarding RGB and CMYK colour models, contact us at YBY Boxes Australia. We will not only guide you through everything but also design and customise your brand’s packaging in the way you want.