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What is Smart Packaging? 5 Things You Should Know


Looking for innovative and unique packaging ideas that incorporate digital technology? Smart packaging is the go-to option as it offers the best packaging facilities and functionalities for your brand. This packaging offers a world of potential for logistics, quality control, and overall brand value.  Here we have discussed everything about custom smart packaging. Smart packaging is still new to the packaging industry, but we have observed a huge impact on how it will transform the future of packaging. Let’s start with the basics to help you understand what smart packaging is!

What is Smart Packaging?

Smart packaging refers to a type of packaging but it’s an umbrella term for several types of intelligent packaging. This type of custom packaging uses technology and enhances the functionalities. Now the technology is being used for the protection of products and labelling too. Here, we have discussed the two major types of smart packaging individually before going into the overall benefits of custom smart packaging.

Types of Smart Packaging

a) Active Packaging

Active packaging is a type of smart packaging that is designed in a way where this packaging interacts with the product inside the packaging and enhances its shelf life and quality while being stored. Active packaging uses oxygen and ethylene absorbers, light filtering materials, antimicrobial surface coatings, or moisture-regulating material either by adding them into the insert or packaging. This type of packaging is also beneficial for beverage and food products. Active packaging may add value to the product without changing the look and feel of the brand narratives.

b) Intelligent Packaging

Intelligent packaging is also a type of smart packaging that offers advantages to customers in many ways. This type of packaging helps you monitor the products and ensure that customers receive the products in the exact and fresh form.

How does Intelligent packaging do this?

Intelligent packaging allows you to communicate with the environment and increase the shelf life of your products. This might be in the form of sensors, indicators, and diagnostic functions that consistently analyse the condition of the product and provide information. Sensors can be placed into the packaging or integrated inside or outside for monitoring purposes. Intelligent packaging is valuable for both customers and retailers as they receive real-time information regarding their products and find out key issues such as bacteria, leaky packaging, and temperature disruptions with the help of sensors and indicators. 

Here are the top 5 things you need to know about this innovative integration:

1. Smart Packaging Gaining Market Share

According to a report by Smithers, the sales of smart packaging have grown from $4.95 billion to $6 billion in just 2015-2019 with a growth rate of 5.1% annually.  There is a prediction and estimation that smart packaging will grow to $8.6 billion in between 2020 to 2023 at an average annual growth rate of 6.4% annually. Moreover, this is already proven that an attractive and innovative custom packaging strategy is gaining popularity and is expected to see more innovations in the future. According to another research, the production of smart packaging is increasing day by day due to its exceptional features such as sensory labels, indicators, etc.

2. Enhancing Brand Transparency

Now the majority of customers are better ethics, presentation, sustainability, and transparency from brands, and custom packaging is the only solution to serve their demands. Your brand can fulfil all these demands by using smart custom packaging boxes for its products. Smart packaging provides you with tracing on packaging materials, better accountability, carbon footprint, and manufacturing. With the help of custom packaging now brands can build a strong connection with their customers and create a more professional brand image that shines a spotlight on transparency.

3. Quality Control

Quality control plays an important role in transport and logistics. Now with the latest innovations in the smart packaging market and intelligent packaging, quality control improved even more.  This smart packaging allows you to use indicators and sensors that will play an important role in observing and monitoring the product’s condition when it is on the shelves or in transport. You can also increase the shelf life of any product with the help of active packaging by removing extra particles from the packaging and allowing workers to track the expiration date more carefully.

4. QR Codes

Using dynamic QR codes on the packaging is a part of intelligent packaging and a great way to make your packaging interactive. Using advanced technologies such as QR codes will help your brand to get better insight and help you to bring more traffic to your website. QR codes can also be used in the supply chain process to monitor progress, optimize product performance, and reduce costs and errors. Moreover, QR codes have added more convenience to the custom packaging industry. You can also use QR codes for discount offers or check the originality of the product.  

5. Counterfeit-Proof Products

Counterfeiting and fake products have been a big issue in many industries and caused a lot of mistrust among customers. But now smart and intelligent packaging brings a solution. With the help of intelligent packaging, now you can provide more information regarding the product. Active packaging can also analyse unwanted tampering and particles and can help you to monitor the business more closely.

Bottom Line

All in all, there are many benefits of intelligent and smart packaging. As the involvement of technology is being continued and this becomes clear the future of packaging is on its way to transformation. So, if you are still using old, and traditional packaging boxes for your business, then this is the perfect time to change. You can contact YBY boxes Australia to get the perfect packaging solutions for your brand.